John Ward Knox 'Toward a still Life' was showing at the Tim Melville Gallery and was outstanding for me. I remember his work from one of the graduate catalog, that little ripple in the linoleum, so subtle that I didn't see it at the show!! When I walked in to the gallery I thought he had painted fabric on to the wall but it is actually carved straight from the wall. READ ALL ABOUT IT and see photos on his BLOG<----(click it) His drawings with biro pens are stunning!! dreamy detailed feathery not all there blobby fluffy strokes. yums. I visited Fingers and saw a lot of the same jewellers I had seen at the NZ jewellers show a couple of months ago. Maybe its just me but I always see a lot of NZ influence in jewellery, maybe its just this gallery and every other gallery I have visited but the influence seems to be very strong. There were some things i liked but I've lost the piece of paper I wrote the artists names on. fork. There were some really nice embroidered pieces and things that used a lot of textiles and sewing techniques which was good to see. Amanda likes this. Sandra Bushby is one of these artists, i love her embroidery and felt work! You can see some of her photos on the fingers website, I'm too scared to post pictures of NZ artists work because it's probably breaching copyright and it won't harm you people to click the link.
Oedipus Rex Gallery.. well, i loved the paintings in the second room, not to say I didn't enjoy the paintings in the first BUT the second room reminded me of Emma Catastrophic so naturally I was drawn to that. The Paintings were by Lorene Taurerewa and are muted colours and very simple figures. The empty space around them gives them an eerie ethereal feeling.
Story 3 (Detail)
Oil on canvas 122 x 122 cm
Oil on canvas 122 x 122 cm
Thanks, nice pic!!!