This blog contains all of the artist research and inspiration, click on the link to jump to the works i have created myself. wow are they creative or what. alice in wonderland comes out next year at the movies i am quite excite

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jenny Hart

Oh Unicorn
9" x 9", 2005
hair embroidered on leather

These are single strands of human hair (artist's own) embroidered on soft leather.

Jenny Hart makes embroidery look so cool, not that it was ever un-cool, not since i took it up anyway. She is the founder of the Sublime Stitching website which was launched in 2001 and with its cutesy slick un-granny fanny like design who wouldn't want to stick a needle in something. stick stick stick. She describes making the above piece with hair 'like embroidering with air', i know exactly what she means, you can't see or feel it until it breaks then its squinting over your creation trying to find the loose end. She is a fan of embroidery that serves no function other than to embelish which is what my work is doing, well mine is art so it was never going to serve a purpose hmm. The juxtaposition of human and animal materials is awesome but something i wouldn't do myself because I don't believe I can justify using animal products in my work, even found leather although i did plan to use a pair of leather boots earlier this year but the lame tattooist never got back to me. puck you. i think i will still make that work at some stage i just need to think about where i'm sourcing the material from because its kinda sorta permanent...

"La Llorona" ©2005 Jenny Hart
Her website is HERE!

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